Virus Protection Covid 19 The world wears a mask to fight the corona virus. The concept of fighting viruses around the world

Curing the Virus of Indifference

Donโ€™t wait for February, the time of year we celebrate romantic love. While Valentineโ€™s Day can be exciting and loving, itโ€™s only one day. That means for most of the remaining year, love is not a priority. My continued hope for humanity is that we experience and share authentic love daily and in every form in addition to romance.

Getting there, however, requires a deeper understanding of what love truly is and why itโ€™s so vital for each of us individually and for the collective, humankind. Healing wounds from abuse, trauma, separation, and unresolved grief is the path to true love and its abundance. Healing means that you honor yourself enough to acknowledge your pain, to seek help, to do the work, and to love you. Individual healing can cure the virus of indifference that continues to plague humanity because healthy individuals create a healthy collective.

โ€œThe creation of a more peaceful and happier society has to begin from the level of the individual, and from there it can expand to one’s family, to one’s neighborhood, to one’s community and so on.โ€
–Dalai Lama

Indifference Still Plagues Humanity

I am frustrated because indifference is still the virus that plagues humanity.

The pandemic gave humanity a golden opportunity to at least start the healing processโ€”reflect on personal issues, bridge the divides between political sides, races, cultures, and socioeconomic classes. Being isolated for nearly 2 years, we had the chance to honestly reflect on our individual health and contributions to the collective, to right the ship by doing more positive while minimizing harm to self and others.

Glen Alex, LCSW, Author of Living In Total Health, Curing the Virus of Indifference, blog, The Glen Alex Show

Instead of the blatant dismissal and demonization of humans whoย think, feel, and live differently during the pandemic and the elections in 2020 and 2024, we could have sought to understand others. Keep in mind that understanding is not agreement nor is it condoning. Understanding is simply setting your need to be right aside to clearly see another personโ€™s perspective.

Note that most people only seek to confirm their existing beliefs rather than open up to learn new information and insights. This means that individuals tend to limit themselves to what they already know, which in the greater scheme of things is not much because of the vast body of knowledge outside of individual consciousness.

Curing the virus of indifference is not solely the responsibility of politicians and leaders. Yes, they are charged with making the best decisions for the greater good. However, individuals do create the collective. So if more of us took personal
responsibility for how we think, feel, and behave then make the healthiest choices available, thereโ€™d be less corruption and greed in leadership and the collective.

I sincerely hope that we donโ€™t fail again. With the pandemic and elections behind us, let us build upon the community and support of human beings thatโ€™s currently present during the wildfires in the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area.

How You Can Help Cure the Virus of Indifference

โ€œYou canโ€™t control the external world, but you can influence it.
Start by taking charge of your internal world.โ€ย  ย 
—Tony Robbins

You may ask yourself, โ€œWhat can I do about whatโ€™s happening in the world?โ€ Well, you can start with recognizing that your choices do impact the collective. Below are a few action steps you can take to advance the state of humanity.

1. Focus on your personal realm of control and responsibility. Trying to ‘fix’ another person or control their choices and outcomes is overwhelming and unrealistic. Such efforts set you up for failure, anxiety, and depression. Individually, you canโ€™t change another person, stop the war in Ukraine, end homelessness, nor stop natural disasters.

However, you can control what you think, feel, say, and do–eat, drink, read, buy, exercise, pay attention to, and vote. You also control who you spend time with.

2. Elevate your self-care. Self-care, another aspect of life you control, is crucial because tending to your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health establishes the foundation upon which to build authenticity, resilience, and stability.

Get adequate sleep and rest, nourish with the right foods for you, surround yourself with loving and supportive people, strengthen your boundaries, and seek help from professionals when needed. The healthier you are, the better choices you make and the collective benefits.

3. Live mindfully. Aligning your mind with your body in the here-and-now, the present moment, is also called mindfulness, within which is where your power and control reside. When present, you are open to insights and guidance from your intuition, you are more deeply aware of whatโ€™s happening within and outside of you, and you tap into your innate gifts and strengths.

4. Learn to empathize. Seeking to understand rather than being understood evokes empathy and respect for the humanity in others. Empathy deepens human connection and, I believe, can cure indifference. The more connected you are to another human being, then the more you understand the loving interdependence that binds us all to each other and strive to nurture rather than sever that connection.

Taking these action steps will enhance your life and positively contribute to humanity. When you exercise your locus of control, have good self-care, are mindful, and have empathy, you empower yourself. And that leads to you treating yourself and others well, which is advantageous for the collective.

Show humanity some love this February and beyond. Together you and I can cure the virus of indifference.


To learn more about To learn more about your health and humanity,

Glen Alex, The Glen Alex Show, Health Blog, Self Advocacy, health and wellness

Why Self-Advocacy is Important for Your Health and Well-being

Do you speak up for yourself?

I am an advocate. Iโ€™m an advocate for my health and well-being, making conscious choices that sometimes buck against the โ€œnormโ€ and expectations of others. And I am an advocate for the health and wellness of others.

“I learned a long time ago the wisest thing I can do is be on my own side, be an advocate for myself and others like me.โ€
–Maya Angelou

Benefits of Advocating for Yourself

And Iโ€™m also a huge proponent of you advocating for yourself. Quite simply, self-advocacy is speaking up for yourself to get your needs met appropriately. Those needs can include nourishment, sleep, help in the home or with the kids, positive regard, respect, effective medical care, and self-care time. Your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health depend upon you getting your needs met with the cooperation of loved ones, coworkers, supervisors, politicians, and medical providers.

Advocating for yourself is required for your authentic experience of love and joy, and for your total health. It is also important for you to know that unmet needs lead to depression, anxiety, illness, addiction, and other unhealthy conditions.

One client presented with anxiety and panic attacks. She usually โ€œgoes with the flowโ€ when her husband and family make plans and does not express her needs or desires. When things donโ€™t turn out the way she wants, she gets angry which expresses itself as anxiety and panic.

Advocating for yourself is required for your
authentic experience of love and joy, and for your total health.

So, understand that if you are not comfortable speaking up for yourself and allow others to direct your life and experience, then your emotional boundaries are the issue. Reminder from Living In Total Health and previous blogs: emotional boundaries involve relinquishing your needs to please others, giving in to others against your better judgement, and taking unrealistic responsibility for the choices of others.

How to Advocate for Yourself

You can learn to self-advocate, however. Follow these simple steps to ADVOCATE for yourself:


cknowledge your needs and list them


etermine to whom and when to communicate your needs โ€“ spouse/partner, siblings, doctor


ocalize your needs with your words, communicating them to who you identified above


rganize your time, energy, and resources to allow space for you to get what you need


ontrol what you can, including your choices, reactions, and resources


sk for help and information when necessary


ake time for self-care, to self-soothe, to self-nurture


ducate yourself by doing your own research

You can follow these simple self-advocacy steps to enhance your health and well-being by getting your needs met appropriately, which will enable you to be whole and live fully — be wellthy.

For more information on advocacy, check out this episode of The Glen Alex Show, What You Need to Know About Hospital Errors and Advocacy on Youtube, iHeartRadio, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, and your favorite podcast platform.

Then visit to order your copy of Glen’s 3x award-winning book, Living In Total Health, and to request your complimentary consultation with Glen.

glen alex, living in total health, journal notebook, journal therapy,

Journaling to Enhance Your Mental Health and Well-being

I know firsthand the value and benefits of therapeutic writing. I experienced its powerful effects on mental and emotional health long before becoming a Clinical Social Worker and psychotherapist.

My childhood diary was my best and most loyal friend. It accepted all of my thoughts, feelings, and experiences without judgement. My diary provided an outlet for the mostly impoverished life I was born into. I say mostly because some of the non-monetary aspects of being poor positively impacted me then and richly influence my work now.

โ€œSometimes only the paper will listen to you.โ€

Journaling to Heal

In my early twenties, I joined a dream group that lasted more than 7 years. During this time, I journaled hundreds of my dreams for interpretation by me and the group members. If youโ€™re thinking that interpreting dreams is โ€œout thereโ€ or crazy or weird or stupid, then you are wrong. Dream interpretation is a powerful psychological tool utilized by the founder of Psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud, PhD and Psychiatrist Carl Jung, PhD. The International Association for the Study of Dreams carries on this work. Anyway, journaling my dreams brought me new awareness, effective processing, and insights crucial to my health and healing.

Glen Alex, Clinical Social Worker, author of Living In Total Health, Indie Book Award Winner, Host of The Glen Alex Show, Positive Change Podcast Award Winner, Health, Healing, Journal Therapy, Mental Health, Well-being

Iโ€™ve also learned along the way that journaling has a positive impact on physical health as well. James Pennebaker, PhD is a Social Psychologist and author, and is known for his research on therapeutic writing, journaling. His studies have shown that in addition to healthy mindset shifts, journal therapy reduced the number of medical visits study participants had for up to six months after journaling.

โ€œPeople who wrote about their deepest thoughts and feelings surrounding a trauma evidenced an impressive drop in illness visits after the study.โ€
–James Pennebaker, PhD, The Healing Power of Expressing Emotions

Journaling Tips for You

Because of these powerful benefits, I highly recommend journaling to my clients, particularly those with anxiety, depression, and difficulty sleeping. Those who do journal appreciate the new insights they learn about themselves, experience relief from their baggage, and sleep better.

To enhance your self-awareness and healing, here are few easy to implement tips for you:

1. Take a moment. Make sure you have privacy. Center by closing your eyes or focusing on a spot, and breathe deeply.

2. Start where you are. Journaling is not about being a best-selling author. Itโ€™s about expressing yourself. So write without judging your spelling, grammar, nor even what you say.

3. Dump your mind. Clients who do the mind dump report falling asleep faster and getting better quality sleep. Itโ€™s simpleโ€ฆyour last act at bedtime is to write whatever is on your mind. It can be a recap of your day, ideas you have, your to-do list for the next day, etc.

4. Pick your topic. The more you journal, then the more personal your journal becomes. You will choose to write about specific themes or triggers in your life. Some even focus on what theyโ€™re grateful for. There are many sources for journaling prompts to get you started.

5. Express your uniqueness. Do you. Use whatever words and phrases you desire. And be as creative as you want to be. And if you prefer to speak your journal, then by all means record a verbal journal.

6. Reflect. Evaluating what your journal reveals to you is a critical step in your healing journey because it avails you of new, better, and healthier choices. ask yourself questions like What did I learn about myself? What surprised me the most? What was I reminded of? How can I use this information?

โ€œJournaling is like whispering to oneโ€™s self and listening at the same time.โ€
— Mina Murray,ย 
Fictional Character

For more information on journal therapy, check out this episode of The Glen Alex Show, Discover the Healing Power of Journaling on Youtube.ย  Glenโ€™s guest is Journal Therapist Kathleen Adams who offers a free online journal course, J is for Journal.

The most important aspect of journaling is to give yourself permission to just start and allow the pen or your voice to reveal insights to you. Then follow the steps above for health and healing.


How to be Your Own Shaman

Living In Total Health requires that you integrate your wholeness and your individuality into any health regimen. Inherent in this process is taking responsibility for your healthโ€”your choices and the consequent outcomes.

Your choices include, but are not limited to, what you eat and drink, your activity level, your mindset, your relationships, how you respond to challenges and difficulties, how you promote sleep, your utilization of health care, and how you personalize your own path to health.

โ€œWhen you give your body the right tools, it knows how to be well.โ€
–Jane Barlow Christensen, Master Herbalist, Author ofย Be Your Own Shaman

Herbs and Natural Healing

Be aware that your choices also include credible alternative health care in addition to traditional medicine. One very credible alternative medicine practice is natural healing via herbal remedies. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, humans have used herbs to treat diseases and maintain health for thousands of years. And says that when โ€œused correctly, herbs can help treat a variety of conditions, and in some cases, may have fewer side effects than some conventional medications.โ€

Please note that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate herbs and supplements. Therefore, products are not allowed to claim to treat specific conditions.

Recommendations for Using Herbs

As for herbs, I believe that natureโ€™s remedies work when administered properly and that you can Be Your Own Shaman.ย 

Below are my recommendations for using herbs to enhance your total health.

1) Do your own research. Check out the product quality and the integrity of the company that produces the herb. Not all products are created equal and some companies donโ€™t care much about the quality of their product. While itโ€™s okay to attend to the opinion of โ€˜expertsโ€™, itโ€™s even more impactful to learn the information for yourself. This is my recommendation for all areas of health because there is NO one-size-fits-all approach to any level of health.

2) Follow the product instructions or consult an herbal professional. While your individuality matters in total health, altering the instructions right off the bat without knowing how the herbs effect you may do more harm than good. So if you want to personalize any herbal remedy, then please consult a professional herbalist.

3) Listen to your body. The human body is wise and communicates regularly about what works for it and what does not work for it. Understanding what your body is communicating requires you to be present to your experience. So if you experience nausea, dizziness, rash, headache, upset stomach, sneezing, watery eyes, or other negative symptoms after consuming the herbs, then stop taking it and consult with a health care professional.

4) Make the appropriate lifestyle changes. Many chronic diseases like diabetes, IBS, chronic pain, and hypertension are impacted by diet, activity level, stress, and mindset. Herbs alone, just like medication alone, will not โ€˜fixโ€™ some physical issues that most hope for because lifestyle issues are in play. Neither medication nor herbs will fix any condition that is created by and/or reinforced by lifestyle factors.


Herbal remedies can work for you to improve and maintain your health as a viable alternative to traditional medicine. Yet, your active participation is crucial to how herbs benefit you and your overall health. To that end, you control many variables in your own health. By doing your research, following product instructions, consulting an herbal professional, listening to your body, and making the lifestyle choices to promote health, you can Be Your Own Shaman.

glen alex, living in total health, the glen alex show, humanity, pandemic, covid, shutdowns, pause

How to Cure the Virus of Indifference

Sadly, humans have not learned from the pandemic. Iโ€™m sure you recall that the Corona virus inflicted death, destruction, and massive uncertainty around the globe. Peopleโ€™s lives, routines, and normal sense of security were upended. Add to that the record number of natural disasters, the worldwide social discord over the video-taped murder of an unarmed man by police, and political unrest. A regular thought of mine in 2020 was, โ€œWhat is happening?โ€

“We could have cured indifference.”
–Glen Alex

The hate that people and groups hurled at one another over disagreement was salient. The absence of empathy and the staunch refusal to listen to one another with any modicum of openness led me to realize that indifference was the virus. Still, I had hope for humanity.


glen alex, living in total health, the glen alex show, humanity, pandemic, covid, shutdowns, pause

A Golden Opportunity

Even though Rona caused so much pain and exposed the dark side of humans, the shutdowns provided us with a golden opportunity, as do all challenges. The ashes strewn about by the fires of the pandemic gave us humans the chance to learn and grow individually, and to create a healthier collective. As unrealistic as it seemed, personal and social conditions in 2020 were favorable for positive, lasting changes for us all because order is always preceded by chaos.

We could have collectively created a new world order, one full of loving purpose, genuine camaraderie, and mutual respect of each otherโ€™s humanity. We could have cured indifference.

“People who are physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually balanced do not intentionally harm self or others.”
–Glen Alex
glen alex, living in total health, the glen alex show, humanity, pandemic, covid, shutdowns, pause

Instead, it was business as usual when the global pause button was released. Play involved the resumption of hateful and harmful acts toward self and others. People blamed everyone else for their own mistakes and failures. Police brutality was caught on camera, again. Those who donโ€™t meet performance criteria cheat the process. Modern day slavery is at an all-time high. โ€œWhat is happening?โ€ and โ€œWhy have we squandered the redo life offered us?โ€

I want better for myself, for you, for humanity. We can do better. And I must say that if more of us were Living In Total Health, then there would be less pain, suffering, and oppression in the world because people who are physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually balanced do not intentionally harm self or others. It is my hope, still, for all of us to awaken to our windows of opportunity to improve and have the courage to act upon them.


What You Can do to Cure Indifference

You may ask yourself, โ€œWhat can I do about the world?โ€ Well, you can start with recognizing that your choices do impact the collective. So keep reading for simple action steps you can take to advance the state of humanity.

1. Identify your locus of control, which is your personal realm of control and responsibility. Trying to fix another personโ€™s problems, trying to govern their choices, and trying to control their outcomes gets overwhelming. Such efforts set you up for failure, anxiety, and depression. Individually, you canโ€™t change another person, stop the war in Ukraine, or end homelessness.

However, you can control what you eat, drink, read, buy, pay attention to, and vote for. You also control your behavior, your activities, and who you spend time with.

glen alex, living in total health, the glen alex show, humanity, pandemic, covid, shutdowns, pause, self care

2. Take care of yourself. While self-care is within your locus of control, itโ€™s useful to focus on it because tending to your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health establishes your foundation upon which to build authenticity and resilience. Get adequate rest, nourish with the right foods for you, surround yourself with loving and supportive people, strengthen your boundaries, and seek help from professionals when needed. The healthier you are, the better choices you make.

3. Be present. Align your mind with your body in the here-and-now, in the present moment. This is also called mindfulness. With mindfulness comes your power and control. You are then open to insights and guidance from your intuition, you are more deeply aware of whatโ€™s happening within and outside of you, and you tap into your innate strengths.

4. Develop empathy. Seeking to understand rather than being understood evokes empathy and respect for the humanity in others. Empathy deepens human connection and, I believe, can cure indifference. The more connected you are to another human being, then the more you understand the loving interdependence that binds us all to each other.

โ€œSeek first to understand, then to be understood.โ€
โ€• Stephen R. Covey

Taking these action steps will enhance your life and positively contribute to humanity. When you exercise your locus of control, have good self-care, are mindful, and have empathy, you empower yourself. And that leads to you treating yourself and others well, which positively benefits the collective.

Even when your life is hard, even when you are stressed out, and even when things arenโ€™t going your way do your part to improve the state of humanity. Together you and I can cure the virus of indifference.

Glen Alex, Champion of Equality, tennis player, tennis fan, health advocate, author, Living In Total Health, Indie Book Award Winner, Book Excellence Award Winner, The Glen Alex Show, Positive Change Podcast Winner, US Open, Billie Jean King, Venus Williams

Champions of Equality

Do What You Love; Rewards Follow

It was my honor and privilege to represent the United States Tennis Association (USTA) Intermountain at the inaugural Champions of Equality event, which commemorated the 50th anniversary of equal prize money at the US Open. Though it was a huge surprise, itโ€™s very validating to be acknowledged for years of my charitable work with beginners and restarters, my tennis fundraisers, and for my volunteering on the Parks & Recreation, Rules, and Diversity & Inclusion Committees. I accepted the invitation to attend as an Honoree immediately.

Boy, Iโ€™m so glad I did! The experience exceeded my expectations. I knew the event would be impactful with hearing Billie Jean King and Venus Williams talk about equality–the challenges, the successes, and the work still to do. However, I could not foresee how special and historical it all would be.

I could not foresee how special and historical it all would be.
Glen Alex

Let me back up to the beginning. The event kicked off with a meet and greet in the Player Garden behind Arthur Ashe stadium. The ambiance was created with beautiful patio furniture, high tops, bars, and delicious hors d’oeuvres. Oh, and the DJ who looked like a super model played high energy music. I met other USTA section nominees and women champions of equality in the corporate world. Another perk was having the opportunity to see players come and go plus reconnecting with WTA staff, coaches, and commentators I knew from my days working with the WTA and the Bryan Brothers.

We USTA section representatives received beautiful glass awards honoring our passion for tennis and dedication to equality plus tickets to the womenโ€™s semifinals matches after the event. Bonusโ€ฆa picture with Billie Jean.

Glen Alex, Clinical Social Worker, Wellth Counseling, Living In Total Health, Author, Host of The Glen Alex Show, Indie Book Award Winner, Book Excellence Award Winner, Positive Change Podcast Award Winner

The Equality Discussion

After the meet and greet, we all gathered in the Player Interview Room where broadcast journalist Christiane Amanpour lead the equality discussion with trailblazing Grand Slam Champion Billie Jean, 7-time Grand Slam Singles Champion Venus Williams, and Telva McGruder, General Motorsโ€™ Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer. Every time I hear Billie Jean speak, I am amazed at her drive and passion for what is right. Even though she faced tremendous adversity, Billie Jean continued the fight for equality. Her clear and vivid way of communicating is moving and empowering.

Venus Williamsโ€™ fight for equality is a continuation, albeit a modernization, of Billie Jeansโ€™ efforts. Most tennis fans donโ€™t know that Venus was instrumental in the WTA partnering with supplement sponsors to enhance the health and wellbeing of players. And I donโ€™t think enough has been said about what Venus has done to bring about equal prize money at Wimbledon and the French Open.

It was a pleasure to see Billie Jean and Venus again, as I met Billie Jean in Indian Wells and Venus when I worked with the Bryan Bros. Telva McGruder shared very interesting information about GMโ€™s decadesโ€™ long efforts in leveling the equal pay playing field. She also talked about corporations in general doing more to equalize humanity.

Glen Alex, Clinical Social Worker, Wellth Counseling, Living In Total Health, Author, Host of The Glen Alex Show, Indie Book Award Winner, Book Excellence Award Winner, Positive Change Podcast Award Winner, Venus Williams, Grand Slam Champion
“Pressure is a privilege.”
–Billie Jean King

Do What You Love

The inaugural Champions of Equality event was amazingโ€”from the meet and greet, photo op, award, to the equality discussion. Billie Jean, Venus, and Telva are champions in tennis and in life, and have inspired me to do more work to grow tennis and to do more to level the playing field in humanity. Thank you USTA Intermountain and the Nevada District for rewarding my love of tennis and my efforts to grow the game. There is more to come.

Do what you love.

The rewards will follow.

Glen Alex, Author, Clinical Social Worker, USTA Nevada, USTA Intermountain, Champions of Equality, Indie Book Award Winner, Book Excellence Award Winner, The Glen Alex Show, Positive Change Podcast Award Winner, Billie Jean King, Venus Williams, US Open, Equal Pay

Courage in Healing

Inexplicably, Iโ€™m having difficulty putting my thoughts about courage on paper. I usually get into a nice writing flow when it comes to topics Iโ€™m passionate about. Courage is one of them. Healing is another. Though not so easy this time.

Is it because Iโ€™m uncertain about writing from an intellectual perspective? Because Iโ€™m thinking of too many elements? Or is it fear of not being clear enough? Alas, I forge ahead despite not knowing why I block. So I will start here.

Courage vs Fear

As a Clinical Social Worker, I work with adults who suffer from depression and/or anxiety. These conditions typically stem from unresolved family-of-origin, relationship, grief, and self-worth issues. Whatever the root cause, mental and emotional issues require courage to heal.

Many situations trigger fear. Skydiving evokes fear of plummeting to earth and dying. An interview brings up fear of not getting the job. Fear of looking stupid or dumb arises when speaking in public, even in social settings. And working through painful and troubling experiences stirs up layers of fear.

So what does fear have to do with courage? Well, they are very connected. Some think that courage is the absence of fear. It is not. Courage involves being aware of and even experiencing fear in the face of appropriate action to be taken and taking that action anyway. Skydivers skydive. Jobseekers interview. People speak–socially, publicly. Those in pain heal.

Itโ€™s easy to lump whatโ€™s realistic with the unrealistic into one nebulous monster, blurring the truth of who you truly are.

Healing Pain

When it comes to mental and emotional health, processing, working through, and ultimately healing pain and trauma requires courage. You see, a certain identity of self gets imprinted when going through such experiences. That identity usually includes, but is not limited to, self-blame, self-loathing, shame, dread for the future, helplessness, hopelessness, and escape via substances, overspending, poor self-care and sometimes suicide.

The fear is in the unpacking of traumatic events. Clients are afraid that pulling back the layers of their pain will reveal that they truly are unworthy, deserved the trauma, and/or are unlovableโ€”that the imprint is true ๐Ÿ’ฏ percent. And others will then see their defective, gaping hole inside. While the fear of being these things paralyzes people and stunts their human growth, it is a false prophet.

Healing starts with facing this faรงade of self-hatred and internalized dejection. Then breaking the faรงade down to discern the realistic aspects of your pain from the unrealistic ones to lead to a deeper understanding of self and your experiences.ย 

imprint, identity, pixabay

“Courage is required to unpack your pain, release the negative imprint, and create a new, healthier identity for yourself.”
–Glen Alex

False Identity

Itโ€™s easy to lump whatโ€™s realistic with the unrealistic into one nebulous monster, blurring the truth of who you truly are.

For example, a client who was sexually abused in childhood by an adult cousin believes he caused it to happen because something was wrong with him. The reality is he was not the problem. There was something very wrong with his perverted cousin.

In another example, a client blamed herself for her husbandโ€™s abusiveness. She told herself that if she were a better woman and a lovable person, then she would not provoke him to hit her and she would do everything right. The reality? She is not responsible for his behavior, no human is perfect, and abusers choose to abuse, no matter the circumstance.

Whether your experience involves abuse or other trauma, the courage in healing is about acknowledging and releasing the faulty imprint born out of pain, discerning what is real and what isnโ€™t, and reconnecting with the truth that you are worthy and lovable and human.

Yes, this process can be frightening because courage does contain an element of risk–the risk of letting go of the identity you accepted and lived up to. Itโ€™s a risk worth taking because the payoff is no longer seeing or treating yourself as damaged and defective.ย 

Courage Within You

To evoke your innate courage to heal, SPeLL it.


eek help

Asking for help is strength, not weakness. Speaking with a professional psychotherapist or a supportive friend who understands the power of listening can enable you to make peace with your past and strengthen your coping skills for life challenges going forward. If you could heal alone–without guidance, support, or resources, then you would already be healed.



Start where you are, not where you should be. Many people so want to be there now and choose to ignore the steps required in the here and now to get there. Attune to your life as it exists in this moment, identify the healthy changes you want to make (how you want your life to be), then take the first step.

Start wherever you are. Acknowledging that I was stuck with writing this blog grounded me in the present moment and opened me up to let the writing flow begin.


earn in Action

Anxiety demands perfection and pressures you to know exactly how to and guarantee success. So much pressure to do the impossible! Being human requires learning on the job. Experience is the teacher. While we can gather as much information as possible to get started, we canโ€™t know everything upfront nor control the outcome. What we can do is learn as we go, adjusting to strategies that work and letting go of those that donโ€™t. Learning is in the doing.


ight Bulb

Aha moments bring non-judgmental understanding that resonates deeply within. These light bulbs also include clarity about you, your personal truth and worth, and can lead you to the next step. Ahaโ€™s occur when you are open to perspectives that belie the imprint, are present, and allow yourself to learn. Seeking help, being present, and learning in the doing help you learn to be you.

glen alex, living in total health, wellth counseling, the glen alex show, indie book award winner, excellence book award winner, positive change podcast award winner, clinical social worker

You can heal. Seek help, be Present, Learn in the doing, and be aware of Light bulbs to arouse your courage to heal because healing is the right thing to do. So be afraid and do it anyway.

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What is love to you? Many people regard love as a feeling, a warm fuzzy in the cockles of the heart. This feeling typically represents connection to a person or object, with intensity that varies according to who or what is involved.

What is love to you?

In romantic love, a bouquet, jewelry, and words represent how one partner feels about the other. Itโ€™s as if love is infused in the object. With familial love, the meaning tends to fall on the quantity of attention, rather than the quality of it. If a parent pays more attention to a needier child, then the sibling may interpret that as being unloved and unlovable. When it comes to humanity, this type of love is unfortunately measured by conformity to narrowly defined standards of being. And self-love is oft aligned with and measured by the objects, attention, and approval one receives from others.

When I think of love, I think of a state of being; existence. Love is like airโ€ฆin it, surrounded by it, taking it in at all times.

“Imagine being wrapped in a warm blanket of support and acceptance every moment of every day. As with air, this experience of love is always accessible.”
–Living In Total Health

Love is the experience of breathing. The depth of breath changes from time to time. Some moments are filled with shallow, chest breaths–superficial or inhibited experience of love. Other moments involve deep breathingโ€”full inhale and complete exhale, absorbing connectedness like a sponge.

You see, the feeling of love occurs when we choose to attune to it and breathe it in. The Bee Gees asked, โ€œHow deep is your love?โ€ My answer is, itโ€™s as deep as your breath. Having difficulty attuning and experiencing love? Keep in mind, that love is ignited by action.

โ€œLove is a verb.โ€
–Stephen Covey

Contrary to popular belief, love is not a noun, a thing to behold. Again, love is an experience that requires active engagementโ€ฆaction. So to feel love, BID. Please note that while the experience of love is enhanced by those who nurture and support your best, love is always available to you.


e Present

I refer to being present, mindful awareness, often, in my life, on The Glen Alex Show, and with clients. Being present is connective in a most powerful way. You are present when your mind and body are in the same time and space, and are aligned with reality. Being present can also be experienced as a pinpoint focus, being absorbed by a single topic or task so that distractions donโ€™t exist. When present, you have the most power and control over your life and your experience. You can then consciously breathe and feel love.

โ€œโ€ฆmaximize connection to self and life by being present.
Attune the mind with the body
and the body with the mind.
You will experience more control and power than imaginable.โ€
–Living In Total Health



Make conscious note of activities and situations that bring you joy. It may be music, writing, crafting, snuggling, yoga, meditation, etc. Your conscious note of things that bring you joy is a list of caring behaviors that are small acts of kindness for self. The intrinsic value of activities such as these is in your engagement in them. No external approval needed. Incorporate joyful activities in your life daily to increase your baseline level of love and connection.

One of my clients has a very busy life with work and family. She instills joy into her life with a hot bath or Jacuzzi soak nightly.



Perform caring behaviors for yourself even if you donโ€™t โ€˜feel like itโ€™. And lean in during especially stressful moments in your life. Unfortunately, many people stop doing the things that make them feel good when the going gets tough. I say that โ€œthe goingโ€ softens when you experience joy and connect with the love that surrounds you at all times. So as Nike says, โ€œJust do it!โ€

Love surrounds and is accessible for you 24/7. The choice is yours and does not require objects, attention nor approval from others. Simply BID on it.


Need assistance with feeling love and connection? Then visit to order your copy of Living In Total Health from our Amazon Distributor and get a complimentary consultation with Glen.

Glen Alex, Living In Total Health, The Glen Alex Show, 5 Tips for Living in Balance during the Holidays, Stress, stress management, mental health, anxiety, depression

5 Tips for Living in Balance during the Holidays

At this time of year, everyone is supposed to be joyful. Yet, holiday stress can override your authentic experience of love and joy. So this episode of The Glen Alex Show is on managing holiday stress!

As a clinical Social Worker I work with adults who experience anxiety & depression in multiple areas of their lives–home, relationships, work, school, etc. Much of the stress and pressure and disappointment that cause discontent is due to poor boundaries. The unwillingness to say “no” when appropriate, overcommitting, unspoken or unrealistic expectations, telling all about self or someone else create enough difficulty normally.

Much of the stress and pressure and disappointment that cause discontent is due to poor boundaries.

And those boundary issues get amplified during this time, during the holidays because there is a lot of external pressure to live and be and do and spend a certain way in order to measure up some false sense of happiness.

Have you ever had high hopes for the holidays and found yourself seriously disappointed, in over your head financially, or emotionally drained afterward? Me too! It’s far too common for holiday stress to overwhelm and ruin the experience of spending time with loved ones, throwing you out of balance.

Because I want you to be joyful, connected, confident, and complete, I have 5 tips for you to live in balance during the holidays. If you want more information about interpersonal boundaries specifically, then check out the Nov 3rd episode of The Glen Alex Show onย 

5 Tips


During work on boundaries with a client, she asked me, โ€œHow do I communicate my boundaries?โ€ Because boundaries are flexible and contextual, not the walls as so many think, to answer her question I needed to know, โ€œWhat do you want to communicate?โ€

A puzzled look crossed her face as she considered what her boundaries are. You see, the โ€˜whatโ€™ comes before the โ€˜howโ€™. Not vice versa. My client needed clarity. You need to be clear about your boundaries before you can communicate them. Otherwise, you communicate uncertainty, opening the door to someone elseโ€™s interpretation of your needs.

As a reminderโ€ฆboundaries are your line in the sand, the line where what you will and will not tolerate meet. So clarifying your boundaries that are specific to the holidays involves asking yourself:

Whatโ€™s my budget? Who will I buy for? Will I host? How many guests? Who are the guests?

Keep in mind that your holiday boundaries can be ranges. For example, you may set your budget at $1000-1200 or 15-20 guests. You donโ€™t have to be exact and can allow for some flexibility. Yet, the more clear you are about your boundaries, what you will and will not tolerate, and incorporate that into your planning then the smoother things will flow for you and your loved ones.

And the more clarity you have about your line in the sand, then you minimize overcommitting, unspoken and unrealistic expectations that can lead to feelings of guilt, failure, self-loathing, depression, anxiety.



Once clear about your boundaries, then you can communicate them to your loved ones.

โ€œWeโ€™re on a tight budget this year, so you may not get a gift.โ€
โ€œOur home is small so weโ€™re limiting guests to 20.โ€

Not speaking up negatively impacts relationships. Unspoken and unrealistic expectations can lead to disappointment, anger, and self-pity–wondering why no one cares what you want.

Unspoken and unrealistic expectations are setups for failure. If you secretly wish or hope for others to read your mind and to automatically provide what you want, then they will likely fail. This speaks to the mental boundary, which is about agreements and expectations. If you donโ€™t have an actual agreement, yes letโ€™s cap spending at $2000 (for example), then everything else is an unspoken or unrealistic expectation.

So speak your truth and give others the realistic opportunity to assist in your health and happiness. You won’t always get your way even when you speak up, yet opening the lines of communication is usually beneficial for relationships.


Taking care of yourself is required for living in balance during regular times. Self-care is so much more needed when there’s an extra demand and extra stress like during the holidays. While itโ€™s easy to sacrifice and put your needs aside at this time, doing so can have negative consequences that last beyond the holidays. Here are 4 simple ways to elevate your self-care:

Although you may stay up later cooking, shopping or socializing, sleep and rest lay the foundation for balance. Sleep deprivation diminishes focus, memory, digestion, emotional stability, and more. So consider taking power naps to refresh.

Fuel and nourish your body with proper nutrients. Counter the excess consumption of pastries, candy, alcoholic and sugary drinks with good nutrients. Some even suggest taking extra vitamins during stressful times. And you already know which foods energize and nourish you.

Make time for a therapeutic massage! There are so many studies showing that massage benefits every area of health–physical tension, enhanced relaxation, improved sleep/rest, digestion, blood pressure, and so many more benefit. Massage doesnโ€™t take a lot of time; you can book a 30 minute table or chair massage to reap the benefits.

Healthy and loving connections are very important in well-being. If youโ€™re feeling overwhelmed or just need to vent, then reach out to that one person who supports what’s best for you, the person who really listens to you and who gives you honest feedback.

Self-care will definitely help you live in balance during this season.


Gratitude enhances health. Period. Gratitude deepens your connection to life and aligns you with your wholeness. Take a moment during the holidays to recognize, acknowledge, and be thankful for all the goodness and blessings in your life. You see, itโ€™s really difficult if not impossible to be in a state of gratitude and be stressed or anxious or depressed.


Helping those less fortunate than you is a great way to regain perspective. Because even though things donโ€™t always go your way, giving to others is connective. And healthy connection to others is healing and nurturing. You can donate money, time, goods, or resources to a charity or someone that resonates with you.

Giving to others taps into human connectedness and restores balance.

Living in balance during the holidays is possible. All that is required is for you to be clear about your boundaries, communicate your boundaries, elevate your self-care, be in gratitude, and give to others.
Follow these tips and you set yourself up to have the most joyful and loving holiday season ever.

Glen Alex, The Glen Alex Show, Living In Total Health, holiday stress, 5 tips for living in balance during the holidays, mental health, anxiety, depression
Zen Stones-Balance

How Do You Measure Wellness?

What does it mean to you to be well? Most people Iโ€™ve conversed with about wellness said it is the absence of illness. Wondering if you agreeโ€ฆ

Being free of illness or disease is about the physical, which is just one aspect of total health. Ignoring or minimizing the other aspects of healthโ€”mental, emotional, spiritualโ€”severely comprises your wholeness and your wellness.

Focusing on any one at the exclusion or minimization of the others
can cause you to be unwell.


Interdependent Elements of Health

Each human being, including you, is a unique and dynamic creature comprised of all of these elements. Focusing on any one at the exclusion or minimization of the others can cause you to be unwell. Physical illness, anxiety and/or depression, being dramatic or chaotic, and disconnection from self, loved ones, community, or Creator are examples of how being unwell presents.

Thus wellness for me, because my lifeโ€™s work is about total health, is the balance between the interdependent aspects of healthโ€”the physical, the mental, the emotional, and the spiritual. When one aspect is below par, then one or more of the other ones step up to compensate, to maintain the delicate balance needed to function optimally and to experience joy.

For example, I have food allergies and digestive issues. So when my colon gets overwhelmed, my energy is so concentrated in my lower abdomen that my ability to focus and move physically are significantly hampered. Once during a tennis practice match, my abdomen felt so weighted that my reactions to the ball were super slow and it felt like I was running in heavy platform shoes. It did not go well. Yet, my deep resonating enthusiasm for tennis enabled me to smile and laugh and be present still.

Wellness is about your wholeness and the equilibrium between mind, body, and spirit. Your wholeness is represented by the 5 pillars of health, which are interdependent. Health in any one pillar positively impacts health in the others. The pillars of health are not sequential, so you can work on each in whatever order you decide is best for you and your path to wellness.

5 Pillars of Health

Below is a brief overview of each pillar. You can read more about total health and wellness in Living in Total Health, the 2021 Indie Book Award Winner for Health & Wellness and Finalist in the Mind, Body, Spirit category.

Physical Wellness
Your physical health is reflected by how you relate to the earth, to the elements, to biology, and the other pillars of health. These components of the physical involve nourishing your body, engaging in activities, getting adequate sleep, and getting regular physicals and labs to know whatโ€™s happening on the inside of your body. Please note that physical health is far more than just diet and exercise.

Sedentary and fast paced lifestyles and poor nutrition and inadequate sleep can negatively impact the other pillars. Such effects include diminished immune functioning, difficulty focusing, being easily irritated, feeling on-edge, relationship issues, low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression.


Mental Wellness
According to the CDC, the most common mental health issues among American adults are depression and anxiety. Thatโ€™s right, most people experience them more so than the severe mental illnesses shown on the news. Life and intrapersonal stressors coupled with inadequate coping skills can lead to anxiousness and depressed mood. And by the way, depression and anxiety contribute to or trigger health conditions like high blood pressure and weaken your immune system, leaving you vulnerable to viruses and other pathogens.

Seeking help from professional mental health providers, your medical doctor, or your primary healthcare provider can help you learn how to cope better with stress, grief, trauma, and other matters that hinder you from achieving your best mental health.

Emotional Wellness
Emotion regulation is critical to total health. Managing lifeโ€™s emotional ups and downs in a way that enables you to maintain a healthy balance and learn from the experience that triggered the emotions is emotional wellness. It may seem that the easiest thing to do is to wait for the โ€˜negative feelingsโ€™ to pass or to ignore them. However, ignoring your emotions, allowing them to fester, or lashing out at others does not enhance your emotional health. Either one of those actions, in fact, makes things worse–the situation that triggered your reaction remains unresolved and problematic.

The goal is to manage and control your emotions, to regulate them. Allowing them to control you damages the other pillarsโ€”sleep and appetite disturbance, unstable relationships, excessive worry, loneliness, disconnection from your Personal Truth.

Spiritual Wellness
How well connected you are to your Personal Truth, to your family, to your community, and to your Creator defines your spiritual health. Living mindfully in the present moment enables your intuition, your innate Knowing, to guide you to profound understandings and to the best choices available to you at any given moment. This deepens your experience of joy and your relationship to self and others.

The absence of joy and authentic love will most certainly lead to depression, anxiety, illness, anger, and/or aggressiveness which negatively impact the physical, mental, and emotional pillars of health.

Healthy Boundaries
Healthy boundaries are the foundation of health and happiness. Without them, achieving health in the other 4 pillars is improbable. You see, boundaries are your innate alarm system designed to protect you from harmful forces and boundaries are necessary for you to properly develop into your own unique self. You will not receive warning signals from your intuition when youโ€™re in danger and you will be enmeshed with others if your boundaries are unhealthy.

Every aspect of health is heavily influenced by boundaries. They protect the integrity of your person by alerting you when physical/mental/emotional/spiritual danger is near, when your agreements are broken, when your expectations are unrealistic, when you lose yourself in another person, and when you are not living your Personal Truth.

3 Wellness Resources

1. Read Living in Total Health, Reconnecting with Your Wellth, 2021 Indie Book Award Winner for Health & Wellness and Finalist in the Mind, Body, Spirit category Itโ€™s available in hardcover, paperback, and ebook on

2. Tune in to The Glen Alex Show, broadcast live on the Bold Brave TV Network on Thursdays @ 1:00 PM PST / 4:00 PM EST. Catch the replays on

3. Read Glenโ€™s health blogs on All elements of health are covered.


Wellness is the compete integration of body, mind, and spirit – the realization that everything we do, think, feel, and believe has an effect on our state of well-being.
–Greg Anderson


As you can see, wellness is not the absence of illness or challenges. Wellness is the balance between your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual selves that enables you to meet life challenges while you experience life with joy and enthusiasm.

Focusing on one aspect of self at the exclusion of the others leaves room for
dis-ease…physical illness, depression, anxiety, loss of self, or existential angst. So spare yourself these unnecessary struggles and choose to nurture your total health. Life will present enough challenges to you. Accept your wholeness and strive to integrate all of who are to be well.